• TPM25
  • March 2-5, 2025 | Long Beach Convention Center

Tammy Auld

Journal of Commerce by S&P Global

Shipper Engagement Manager

Tammy Auld joined the Journal of Commerce and S&P Global in August 2022 as Client Engagement Manager for the BCO/Shipper community. She is responsible for organizing and facilitating the shipper experience at TPM and the Inland Distribution conferences, as well as connecting BCOs and their service providers through small group events. Tammy has a rich background in the maritime sector, having worked for ocean carriers, software providers, and LSPs for more than 20 years.

Sessions With Tammy Auld

Sunday, 3 March

  • 12:00pm - 12:45pm (PST) / 03/mar/2024 08:00 pm - 03/mar/2024 08:45 pm

    Shipper Briefing

    A special, off-the-record discussion and preview of TPM24 and the issues dominating today's containerized ocean shipping industry. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from the senior JOC editorial team about the key issues to be discussed during the conference, and to convey what questions you'd like addressed before leaving Long Beach. Reserved Only For Shippers

  • 12:50pm - 01:30pm (PST) / 03/mar/2024 08:50 pm - 03/mar/2024 09:30 pm

    TPM24 Orientation

    With more than 60 sessions — many of them running concurrently — as well as numerous receptions and other networking opportunities, not to mention off-site activities, TPM can be an overwhelming experience. Successfully navigating the week requires a strategic game plan, but where do you start in your efforts to get the most out your time in Long Beach? In this brief introductory session for new and veteran TPM attendees alike, the TPM24 team will provide a roadmap of the four-day event, including details about what topics will be covered, how to obtain information you may be looking for, networking events, the physical TPM24 footprint, and generally how to maximize your TPM experience.